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Laboratory research methods

Laboratory research methods

Laboratory research methods are critical for diagnosing a variety of illnesses and disorders. An analysis is one form of laboratory diagnostics, the choice of which is determined by the diagnosis's goal. 

Laboratory research methods

The main types of laboratory research methods

The types of analyses available are determined on the type of tissue collected for research. The following kinds have been identified so far:


1-Urine examination. To diagnose disorders of the genitourinary system, a widely utilised analysis is used. Its behaviour helps you to predict illness progression at an early stage. The findings of this study can be used to create an ideal diet for the patient.


2-A blood test is required. This is the most essential of all laboratory investigations since it allows you to see whether there are any unfavourable alterations in various organs and systems. A general blood test as well as a biochemical blood test are done.


3-Stool examination. The most essential test for detecting issues with the gastrointestinal tract's function. Its findings might suggest the presence of parasites, gastrointestinal inflammation, or issues with the liver and gallbladder's function.


4-Histological examination. The purpose of this laboratory research approach is to detect oncological neoplasms. The analysis is done by removing tissues from the body and analysing them.


5-Microbiological examination. A sort of analysis used to look for potentially dangerous bacteria. Microscopy and the culture technique are two of the numerous methods available for doing such a study.


6-Cytological analysis. Designed for the diagnosis of neoplasms.


Instrumental and laboratory research

The term "laboratory and instrumental research" refers to a collection of procedures and instruments used to conduct tests in order to identify various diseases. The technique and tool for conducting the analysis are determined by the study's goal.


As a result, there are:


1-The research of genetic predisposition is intended to evaluate a patient's propensity to the development of any diseases, as well as to determine the Rh factor, metabolic issues, blood coagulation levels, oncological diseases, and a predisposition to bad habit addiction.


2-The condition of the human immune system necessitates immunological research. Patients with allergies, chronic respiratory illnesses, and neoplasms are all candidates for such tests.


3-In order to identify infections, particularly those that are fatal, it is important to diagnose infectious illnesses. To present, laboratory and instrumental investigations have proven to be highly accurate in detecting any form of infection.


4-Hormone investigations are used to evaluate the efficacy of treatments for endocrine disorders, which are diseases caused by a disturbance in hormonal levels.


Clinical laboratory research

Experiments are tests that are carried out with the help of volunteers.  

Clinical laboratory research is used to assess the efficacy of novel drugs or therapies. This type of research is done to see whether there are any negative consequences. The most crucial stage before a medication is introduced to the market is clinical laboratory research. Because the indications of diagnostic outcomes in animals cannot be extended to people, such investigations require the participation of humans.


Blood analysis laboratory procedures are an essential step in the diagnosis of illnesses because they allow you to detect even the tiniest changes in the function of human systems and organs.


Blood tests come in a variety of forms:

To assess the levels of platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes, and haemoglobin in the blood, a general analysis is required. Changes in indicators might suggest anaemia produced by a variety of causes, the presence of different soft tissue inflammations, the development of thrombosis, or the presence of neoplasms. Venous blood is collected in order to perform this type of analysis.


To determine hormone levels, a biochemical blood test is done. In this situation, even the tiniest departure from the norm might signal a significant organ failure, lead to infertility, mental impairment, or the development of diabetes mellitus.


Laboratory methods of urine analysis

Because to its relative simplicity, general urine analysis is the most used method of studying urine. This type of research is done to evaluate the function of the kidneys and bladder, as well as the inflammatory processes. This is important to avoid cystitis or pyelonephritis from developing.


If any abnormalities are found, other, more accurate methods of urine analysis can be used.


These diagnostic methods include the following types of tests:


1-Developed to examine the functioning of the kidneys, according to Zemnitsky.


2-Intended to identify inflammatory processes, according to Nechiporenko.


3-For glucose, which is used to diagnose diabetes mellitus.


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Kidney research techniques in the lab

Fluoroscopy, ultrasonography, radioisotope research, and puncture biopsy are some of the procedures used in kidney research.


**A radioisotope study is used to evaluate the kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract's functioning.


**Ultrasound examination is required to determine the form and size of the kidneys, to detect neoplasms, stones, or cavities, and to determine the blood flow's functioning.


**The size and form of the kidneys, the presence of big stones, and evidence of neoplasms may all be assessed using fluoroscopy.


**Puncture biopsy is required to determine the stage of tumour formation, growth prognosis, and treatment options.


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Preparing a patient for laboratory tests

The most essential stage in laboratory testing is patient preparation, since it determines the quality of the findings received.


The blood test is performed on an empty stomach, at least 8 hours after the last solid meal or drink, other than water, has been consumed. Before drawing blood, it's a good idea to quit smoking.


Before having a shower, you'll need around 150 ml of morning pee for urine analysis.


Stool analysis requires morning bowel movements. The most important element is that the container for collecting faeces be sanitary; you may do this by heating the container.


External quality control center for laboratory clinical research

The Federal Law "Organization and execution of industrial control over compliance with sanitary regulations and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures" governs the organisation "Center for External Quality Control of Clinical Laboratory Research." The center's primary responsibility is to oversee the conduct of laboratory tests and the observance of sanitary regulations.


At the show, you may see modern laboratory and instrumental research methodologies.


For a long time, laboratory research methodologies and instruments have remained almost unchanged. However, the discovery of new illnesses and the further investigation of those that are currently recognised necessitate the creation of new methodologies and instruments.


They will be on display at the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" during the international exhibitions "Chemistry" and "Healthcare."


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