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The service... What are the features of the service

The service... What are the features of the service

Today, in the midst of the rapidly evolving market system, companies must be efficient and lucrative while maintaining complete economic independence. As a result, the business modification function is strengthened. The organization of services is becoming one of the most important sectors of a highly competitive economy. Quality is one of the most important business criteria. Let’s take a closer look at what it’s all about. 

Service… Service Features

Service: general characteristics Why is the issue of service

become relevant today? An efficient service is one of the key ways to achieve the competitiveness of a company in the market. This direction does not depend on the scope of the company.


No matter what the company does: whether it makes products or works, quality service is considered the only strategic decision to stay ahead of other companies.


In the framework of market links, the service device needs to be constantly improved. Companies must periodically update the list of works, adding the most appropriate to the needs of buyers, the capabilities of the companies themselves.


The service is a tool to attract a large number of customers. It allows you to increase the volume of product sales, increase the profitability of the company, its competitiveness. A company should not be able to operate in the market without paying due attention to constantly changing external factors. This requires an in-depth study of the processes, analysis and forecasting of the situation.


Service concept

The service is a set of activities carried out in the process of purchase, supply and subsequent maintenance of products. The service is aimed at the consumer of the material. They can be associations of manufacturers, commodity marketing organizations and end users of goods.


Product support can be carried out by different entities, for example, a large company can establish a service center. The service is provided by forwarding companies involved in the production and sale process.


If we consider the concept broadly, the service is a complex of functions, types of activities of the company's subsystems that ensure interaction with consumers in the context of each flow of information and materials in terms of quality scale , time, cost, label and location of the delivered products, according to the requirements of the market.



There are the following types of service:

1-Satisfaction of consumer demand. 

2-Provision of production services. This includes the full range of product services offered. The service starts from the time of the conclusion of the purchase contract until the time of delivery.

3-After-sales service.

4-Service of information. It entails providing consumers with information about products and service methods. Special data processing and transformation technologies are used while providing services.

5-Financial and credit service.


Demand satisfaction service

It is an aggregate measure of the quality of services provided by consumers. The key indicators are:


1-Ordering method.

2-Availability, frequency, time, reliability, quality of deliveries.

3-The level of completeness assurance and loading and unloading.


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After-sales service

It encompasses a variety of services aimed at ensuring the efficient use of products throughout their life cycle in the context of current market conditions. Before and after the sale of a product, after-sales service is provided. The following activities are included:


1-Developing after-sales service requirements. The parameters are set in collaboration with the manufacturer during the product development stage.

2-Formation of a list of services provided to consumers after the sale of goods.

3-Determining the order of after-sales service at the stage of negotiation of conditions

4-delivery. Specialists are trained to carry out repair and maintenance services.

5-Technical document creation and approval.

6-After-sales servicing requires the provision of spare parts and tools.

7-Post-sale service management.

8-Preparation of the infrastructure for the implementation of the service.

9-Development of a program for replacing products with their modern modifications, a system for recycling old products


Service principles

Customer service will be effective when:

 1-The inextricable link between service and marketing, as well as its essential responsibilities.

2-Maximum adherence to market standards, as well as the type of the items utilised.

3-The service system's adaptability, as well as its focus on changing market demands and client expectations.

4-Delivery of the product to the place of use with minimization of costs and risks of damage along the way.

5-Bringing the product into working condition, demonstrating it in action.

6-Spare components are sent quickly. Special warehouses have been built for this purpose, as well as tight collaboration with component manufacturers.

7-Ensure the preparation of the product for use throughout the time spent with the consumer.


A prerequisite for an effective service is the organization of product status information that is delivered to consumers. Special attention should be paid to customer suggestions, complaints and comments.



