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12 steps of Surya Namaskar you need to do correctly

12 steps of Surya Namaskar you need to do correctly

We understand that going to the gym and working out to be healthy is not always doable. However, spending 15 minutes out of your hectic schedule to practise sun salutations may provide several physical and emotional advantages to your body. If you're not sure what Surya namaskar is or how to perform it, you're not alone. Then read on to discover how to conduct a sun salutation step by step in this article.


steps of Surya Namaskar you need to do correctly


Surya Namaskar is a series of asanas in and of itself, and it exercises every region of the body. Regularly practising it can help you with joint discomfort in your wrists, elbows, shoulders, spine, knees, and ankles.


 It also aids in the improvement of body agility. Surya namaskar is beneficial for overall body improvement. Sun salutations might help you get more dumas. It aids in the purification of your blood, the improvement of blood circulation, and the removal of toxins from the blood. We frequently perform sun salutations for years, but you probably have concerns regarding how to do them.


Today, we'll go through how to do each step and posture of the Surya Namaskar sun salutation to get the most out of it.


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1. Namaskarasana:

Both feet should be connected to each other, as this improves the body's equilibrium. In the centre of the chest, both hands should be. The elbows and wrists should be in the same line, which will help to extend your chest and elongate your shoulder.


2. Upper arm posture:

When we put our waist to the rear, chest to the front, and hands stretched upside down, we have the incorrect posture. The waist is put under extra pressure by this position. An imbalance of the body can be caused by lifting the wrists and bringing the neck too far behind.


3. Uttanasana:

The palms of both hands are intended to be positioned beside the feet in this position. Your hand won't be able to touch the ground without bending your knees at first, but with repetition, you'll be able to do so. The neck should be bowed inwards and the knees should be bowed. Your back and knees will become more flexible as a result of this.



It is expected that you move your legs backward without lifting your hands off the ground in this asana. People frequently make the error of advancing their hands, which has a negative influence on the thigh and hip joints. Both feet should be fully bent up to the knees, with the heels bending. The ankle is made more flexible by bending the heel.


5. Dandasana:

Shoulders, waist, and heel should all be on a diagonal line when both feet are back. Stay in the plank posture instead. Wrists and shoulders are strengthened as a result.


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6. Ashtanga Namaskarasana:

It is required to push the chest forward by bending the hands at an angle in this position. However, placing knees on the ground and relaxing whole-body weight on the knees is a common error.


7. Bhujangasana:

By straightening the arms at the corners, try to elevate the entire body. To develop flexibility, try moving the neck back as much as possible so that the spine bends backward from the neck to the waist.


The posture can be entered from either a prone or a Downward Dog position. Place your palms beneath your shoulders and press down until your hips rise slightly. The backs of the feet are on the ground, the legs are extended out, and the gaze is directed forward in the preparation position. 


The back is arched until the arms are straight, and the gaze is pointed straight upwards or slightly backwards in the complete position. Unlike the comparable Upward Dog position, the legs stay on the ground. In certain variations of Surya Namaskar, the Salute to the Sun, Bhujangasana is part of a series of yoga postures.


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8. Adhomukhashvanasana:

With the aid of hands, it is anticipated to press the spine towards the feet. The heel of the foot is intended to remain on the ground. The muscles of the pelvis and the back of the thigh will be stretched as soon as this happens. This will open up the blood vessels and reduce knee discomfort.



With the aid of hands, it is anticipated to press the spine towards the feet. The heel of the foot is intended to remain on the ground. The muscles of the pelvis and the back of the thigh will be stretched as soon as this happens. This will open up the blood vessels and reduce knee discomfort.


10. Uttanasana:

It is expected to repeat asana number 3 while advancing another leg in this asana. Both legs should be pulled forward in the line of both hands for this.


11. Upper arm posture:

Take a sitting position in this position while inhaling and extending the abdominal muscles with the chest muscles, which will totally release the contraction and spreading tension of the spinal cord during sun salutation. The body will become lighter once it has been stretched appropriately.


12. Namaskarasana:

The sun salute should be done in a methodical manner, with both knees together and both hands saluting in the centre of the chest in the final posture. The sun, mascara, and the waist, back, and knees can only benefit the waist, back, and knees once each seat has been adjusted in this manner.


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