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Build your cottage by yourself

Build your cottage by yourself  

The desire to live in your own home may be achieved in a variety of ways, including purchasing property and building a home, purchasing an unfinished house, and purchasing a built house in a cottage community. RBC Novosibirsk was well aware of the advantages of choices.


Build your cottage by yourself

Almost all of the professionals questioned agreed that if you dedicate as much personal time to building as possible, control all processes autonomously, and acquire the required knowledge and abilities, you may save a lot of money. For most people, though, such immersion in the subject is simply not feasible.


Buy land

According to Vadim Stepanov, the head of the Zhilfond real estate agency's office, the cost of a plot is determined by the land's intended use. The location might be in the DNT, SNT, or IZHS area. The charge is 600 thousand rubles if it is a non-profit organisation (DNT). However, the site's acreage is larger: around 8-10 acres, according to Stepanov.


There may be two possibilities if this island is to be used for individual house construction (IZHS). From 600 thousand rubles in a newly built residential complex on land for the development of detached houses (without infrastructure). The plots are also, on average, larger, ranging from 10 to 20 acres. If the region has established infrastructure (communications, decent roads), the cost ranges from one million to 400 thousand rubles. According to Stepanov, the price varies depending on the possibilities provided by each group.


You can build a detached house in DNT and in the construction of detached houses, and then register a residence permit. “People want to buy land for the construction of single-family homes because they fear the high payments to the DNT, which take on the maintenance and development of the village,” Stepanov explains. - But payments in different DNTs are different. Somewhere they bring 10 thousand rubles, and somewhere and 250 a year. It depends a lot on the list of services. It can be garbage disposal, snow and road construction. "


Buy a land plot in a cottage village

The inexpensive price of land outside the cottage communities, according to Valentin Kanaev, head of the Siberian House company's sales department, is a short-term benefit at the first stage of development.


“There will be a significant concern regarding snow removal in the winter and the availability and quality of roads home when the house is built,” Kanaev adds. Individual developers find it difficult and expensive to tackle their challenges. These concerns are handled by a rural community management firm. The infrastructure costs an average of 2,000 rubles per year to use. It is lucrative, much less expensive than living in the city.”


In a hamlet, a home represents a very wide and important range of services. Security, internet, waste disposal, video surveillance, playgrounds and leisure spaces, roads, and the availability of public transportation stations within walking distance are all factors to consider.


Infrastructure is perhaps the most significant factor to consider when evaluating a community location. “A comfortable existence requires a minimum of solutions,” says Ruslan Alabin, manager of the Green Estate cottage community. - Electricity: each family must have at least 10 kW. centralized water supply - plumbing Usually are their wells, but occasionally the network Gorvodokanal.


Since settlements are more often located away from ordinary urban infrastructure, gas heating is the best method of heating. As for the roads, crushed stone is considered common, although there has been a trend towards paving in the last two years. In principle, the better the road, the higher the town can be positioned "


There is one more nuance when choosing a village. Some settlements during construction require compliance with the unity of style, which drastically limits the imagination of the owner or requires an increase in financial investment. For example, in one of the most popular house settlements on the site, you can put a garage in it, but it should be brick and made in the same style as the residential buildings. In this case, a garage consisting of blocks or panels of concealed concrete, lined with cladding, would cost the owner a smaller amount.


Nikolay Ivakin, manager of the suburban real estate department of ETAZHI FRK in Novosibirsk. If you buy land in a cottage village, you still have to build a house. When building a house, most likely, there will be a condition for adhering to the concept and a single style.


It is critical to ensure that the cottage community has the required infrastructure. You may pick the location and the materials you want to use - sit, brick, or frame technology. According to the evaluation, understanding the cost is critical in evaluating the land plot through comparison and cost analysis. As a result, this is a comparison of bids in the same region based on similar parameters, such as the cost of construction.


Select unfinished

This option certainly provides an opportunity to save. The dangers here are in order: it is not known whether the construction technologies were followed, how the object was preserved or the unfinished project was abandoned for several years.


“On the one hand, you can buy one: some of the work has already been done there, these objects are cheaper,” Stepanov says. "On the other hand, it's hard to calculate how much money will be needed to finish construction." Here are some risks. According to analysts at Zhilfond.


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Buy ready

The major issue is the difficulty in selecting a home. Layouts, cardinal point orientation, area of the premises, and their function. “They usually create residences for themselves,” Stepanov adds, “while taking into account their personal needs.” “Then, for some reason, the owner's living circumstances change, and the property must be sold.


The owner has invested a lot of money in the house and, of course, he wants to get it by selling it, ”Stepanov continues. - The most popular customer request now are cottages with an average area of ​​†‹вЂ‹ 100 "places" and good accessibility to transport. People want to buy these options for about 5 million rubles. But the owners are asking for more, from 6 million. And these are, as a rule, unfinished cottages.


It's worth thinking about the regular breaches of building technologies, which may cost hundreds of thousands of rubles to correct. “Freezing, chilly rooms, leaking roofs, structural cracks,” says Daria Tolkacheva, a spokeswoman of the Green House firm.


Now in the set of proposals of the places, there are newly built rural houses or duplexes, low cost, with turnkey finishes. “Often in these facilities, economic repairs hide construction defects. - Ella Buravleva, director of the New Buildings Sales Center, comments on the problem. - Under the linoleum, there are terrible ceilings, when the first floor is visible in the gap of the second floor. There are problems, if the houses are built in the fall and winter in violation of technology, the foundation can "float". ”

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Build yourself

Valentin Kanaev is certain that the prime cost of construction materials is always lower than the price of finished home. – You may create your own home plan, realise your idea, and consider a variety of factors during building, such as the layout of living rooms, the size and orientation of the house's windows to the cardinal points, and the position of the entry door. In this area, the buyer has the option of building his or her own home.”


The cost of building a house in companies is most often calculated in several categories: house kit, for rough finishing, for finishing, turnkey.


Valentin Kanaev, head of the sales department at Siberian House:

“Stone houses are always more expensive because the technology of their construction is more complex and requires resources, but it is better. Already in the process of laying the foundations of a heavy stone house, you will have to spend well. There are also market phenomena.


When evaluating suburban real estate (a house regardless of the value of the plot), I recommend using the following formula: take the market value of 1 m² the average floor of three rooms, multiply the resulting value for 2, - get the average cost of one square meter. detached house at market prices ”.


Building a home needs a lot more than simply money. The foundation must be stable, and the frame must be completely dry. As a result, the construction of a house usually takes more than one season to complete. There are also construction technologies that involve fast construction – frame technology, houses made of laminated veneer lumber. In any event, based on the specifics of your site, it's worth estimating homes of a comparable size in various building materials.


Much relies on the customer's credentials and willingness to devote his own time and efforts on his house. Experts estimate that completing part of the job on your own might save you up to 30% on expenditures. On the other hand, if all of the work is delegated to a contractor, the building cost must be increased by 10 to 20%.


Experts and companies are specializing in cheaper construction. Whether or not to rely on this depends on the consumer’s decision, but it is not forbidden to adopt various techniques. Therefore, Sergei Domogatsky, author of the course "Reasonable savings in construction", advises replacing the wall facing the open terrace with a double-glazed window with a door. It is cheaper, the heat loss is low.


"Even in places where the temperature in the winter dips below 40 degrees," Domogatsky adds, "it is feasible to create buildings with panoramic glass." Another suggestion is to inquire with major PVC window suppliers about whether there is a batch of windows in their warehouses that were manufactured by mistake and not according to the customer's size. Stairs are frequently the wrong size, and windows are inaccessible to visitors.


These erroneous batches are returned to production and hundreds are stored in a warehouse or even outdoors. Factories sell these windows at discounted prices, two or more times cheaper, "- says Domogatsky. Therefore, adjusting the window openings for finished blocks can save tens of thousands of rubles on a home scale.




